Vintervedligeholdelse til parkeringsklimaanlæg - Holder varmen i koldt vejr
Vigtigheden af vintervedligeholdelse for parkeringsklimaanlæg
Parking air conditioners have to be subjected to winter maintenance not only for the sake of comfort but also for the effective and efficient function of the unit. Failure to do so will mean decreased heating output, increased power bills, and probably system breakdown at some of the coldest time when it is required the most.
Regelmæssig drift
It is rather important to exercise some of the components even during the cold winter months. In this case, it would suffice to run the parkering klimaanlægen gang hver 15. til 20. dag i en varighed på ca. 3 til 4 timer. Denne praksis letter bevægelsen af smøreolie i systemet, så der ikke er viskøse væsker i kompressoren, der kan hindre opstart af enheden og forårsage nogle skader.
Rengør filtre og ventilationsåbninger
Dust and dirty particles can be deposited on the filters and vents leading to some blockage and thus decreasing the heating capacity of the unit. These are commenced every month with the use of either a soft brush or a vacuum cleaner. Another alternative to use in the course of time is an air duct cleaning tool which is specifically made for parking AC systems.
Brug annonceamp klud til at tørre ydersiden af maskinen af
You can prevent dust and dirt from accumulating on the outer parts when the unit is not in operation by covering the external parts of the machine with clean, damp cloth. Furthermore, the remote control should be placed in a plastic bag in order to avoid corrosion of the battery.
Undersøg systemet for kølemiddellækager
Routinely check the system for leaks of refrigerant. A refrigerant charge that is too low can affect the heating capability of your lease parking air conditioner to a significant extent. If you hear any hissing noises or a reduction in performance, it’s probably safer to seek a professional’s advice.
Parkering klimaanlæg fra CLHGO
Here at CLHGO, we know how crucial parking air conditioners can be and how beneficial they can be even more during winter times. That is why we produce a number of products that we will be of aid to you.
CLHGO skiller sig ud for produktion af klimaanlæg til bilparkering, der opfylder forskellige markedssegmenter over hele kloden. Vores produktsortiment spænder over elektriske klimakompressorer, klimaanlæg og andre relaterede og nødvendige komponenter i biler. Hvert produkt er lavet med stor dygtighed og opmærksomhed med det formål at opnå både funktionalitet og bæredygtighed.
Hos CLHGO tager vi innovation og kvalitet alvorligt. Vores dedikation til at levere ekspertise til vores kunder. Skabelsen af nye produktlinjer i bilindustrien hvert år er et must for vores virksomhed. Vi tilbyder omfattende løsninger til alle tæt relaterede aktiviteter til vores branche, der opfylder kundernes forventninger som OEM eller slutbruger.