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Mantieni la calma in movimento: la fisica dietro il frigorifero per auto

11/agosto 2024

Pensaci. Un frigorifero per auto è un dispositivo che ti consente di assumere bevande fredde o snack mentre guidi attraverso i deserti o ti accampi nella natura. Queste unità di raffreddamento portatili sono sempre più apprezzate da viaggiatori, esploratori e chiunque desideri una bevanda rinfrescante o del cibo durante un lungo viaggio. Ma come fareFrigorifero per autoe cosa li rende unici?

Come funzionano?
Tecnologia dei compressori
Car Refrigerator are based on the use of compressors just as it happens with home refrigerators. The compressor refrigerator used in cars uses a refrigerant that circulates within an enclosed system. When compressed, this fluid gets hot and then cooled as it moves through condenser coils. The heat from inside the fridge is absorbed by the evaporating fluid thereby chilling its content.

Raffreddamento termoelettrico
Car Refrigerator is thermoelectric cooling in which the Peltier effect comes into play. In this case, the flow of electric current between two dissimilar metals causes one side of them to cool down while making the other hot. Nonetheless, this kind of cooler is less efficient than compressor models though it’s silent and requires minimal maintenance.

Portabilità e convenienza
The portability aspect has been taken care of properly in Car Refrigerator because they have been made compact hence quite easy to carry along if need be unlike those very big ones at home.. Some models also come with inbuilt castor wheels

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